In second grade we will continue to build on your child's relationship with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit.
Language Arts/Reading
Students will develop and demonstrate more detailed writing skills, understand and be able to craft and structure their writing, apply comprehension strategies and fluency that supports comprehension, phonics, and word recognition.
Students will be working with time, money, place value, problem solving, fractions, graphs, geometry, and measurement.
Social Studies
Second Graders will be learning about civics, economics, geography and history, the use of timelines, understanding cause and effect, and problem solving, as well as graphic organizers to convey understanding.
Areas we will work with are: force and motion, pull and push, gravity and magnetism as force, weather and clouds, and states of matter. We will classify and identify the characteristics of animals, ecosystems, the human body and their life cycles.
Special Grade Level Events
Science Fair
During the third quarter Second Grade will participate in the Science Fair.
Second Grade Service Project
The students work in partnership with the parish to collect baby items for the CAPA Program at Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington.